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Sustainable F&B Networking

On Thursday, March 28th, 2024, leaders from F&B companies and sustainability initiatives convened at KAUM Jakarta for a networking dinner organized by Paloma Sjahrir Foundation, Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) | Earth-Centered Economy Coalition, Ecoxyztem, and Brightspot Market. This assembly served as a pivotal platform for discussing sustainability within the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry.

Guided by esteemed panelists, Anton Wirjono (Founder & CEO – Brightspot Market & The Goods Dept), Ratna Kartadjoemena (Partner – Potato Head Family, Chairperson – Paloma Sjahrir Foundation), Lishia E. (Executive Board – Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) | Earth-Centered Economy Coalition), and Andreas Pandu Wirawan (Chief Commercial Officer – Ecoxyztem), alongside the moderation of Arief Aziz (Global Director of Networks and Partnerships – Climate Catalyst), engaging dialogues unfolded, shedding light on pivotal themes within the F&B sector and its profound impact on our planet and society. The discussion unveiled four key insights:

  1. 🌍🔥 Urgency of Climate Action: The F&B industry’s substantial contribution to the climate crisis emphasizes its pivotal role in tackling environmental challenges. Globally, it accounts for one-third of greenhouse gas emissions and consumes 70% of freshwater withdrawals annually. In Indonesia, where organic waste constitutes half of landfill content, the need for sustainable solutions is paramount (Sources: IPCC, World Bank, Kompas).
  2. 👨‍🌾💼 Impact on Livelihoods: Half of the global population depends on the agrifood system for their household income, underscoring the importance of sustainable practices for economic stability and social well-being (Source: FAO).
  3. 💡💰 Opportunities in Sustainability: The increasing accessibility and demand for sustainable solutions offer not only environmental benefits but also long-term cost efficiency within the industry.
  4. 🚀🌱 Importance of Proactive Initiatives: Driving effective change requires proactive initiatives. Encouragingly, there has been a noticeable uptick in such efforts in recent years.


Building on the importance of proactive initiatives, Paloma Sjahrir Foundation encouraged attending F&B players to explore and engage with carefully selected sustainable solution initiatives, each showcasing their offerings during the event. The initiatives were Waste4Change & Duitin Indonesia (waste management services), Boolet (used chopsticks & skewers recycle service), noovoleum (used cooking oil collection & conversion to biofuel), Plépah Indonesia (compostable food container), Alner & Siklus (reusable packaging solutions), Kecipir (organic & sustainable grocery marketplace), Surplus Indonesia (food rescue app), FoodCycle Indonesia (food bank & organic waste collection), and WaterHub (reverse osmosis water filtration and refill solution).

Head Chef Rachmad Hidayat further shared invaluable insights gleaned from KAUM Jakarta’s collaboration with Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari, spotlighting the exploration of sustainable local ingredients that not only enhance culinary offerings but also bolster local communities. Some of the outcomes of this collaboration were showcased through the dishes served during the event.

Looking ahead, Paloma Sjahrir Foundation invites attending F&B players to share their sustainability challenges and schedule follow-up sessions with sustainable solution initiatives. This extended interaction aims to foster in-depth exploration and the establishment of partnerships, propelling collective efforts towards a more sustainable future in the F&B sector.

The networking dinner spurred meaningful exchanges. Attendees left with actionable insights and valuable connections, ready to drive positive change within their spheres of influence. Reflecting on the discussions and alliances formed, we’re energized to continue our journey toward a greener, more resilient F&B industry.

#FoodAndBeverage #ClimateAction #SustainableSolutions

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Sustainable F&B Networking